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our tools

"Tools & reports will not make you smarter. But their judicious use will help you understand how to use the smarts you have got"

Leadership Development

The ability of an individual to understand their own behaviour, traits, state of mind and consequent actions is a valuable component of personal, leadership and team development. But the challenge is, the tools, analytics and other methods that are available come in all sorts of shapes and sizes each with a different purpose in mind.

Luckily, the team within Organisation Dynamics are not only certified to use a number of external analytics such FIRO-B, MBTI, Talent Q, MIRO and the Engage Change Readiness Survey, we have also developed a number of our own methodologies such as our Learning Returns Estimator, our Effective Team diagnostic and our 5 step process for Appreciative Inquiry team work amongst others.


This means you can depend on us to guide you through the confusing mass of choice and you can rest assured that we will make recommendations and discuss ideas with you as needed. Feel free to reach out if your curious to learn more!

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